There will be chaos in the Church. Tranquility will not return until the Pope succeeds in anchoring the boat of Peter between the twin pillars of Eucharistic devotion and devotion to Our Lady. ”
FOR SOME TIME NOW (with exception of President 45 and now 47), we have been taken over by a rogue government which has been lying to us, stealing from us, poisoning us, dumbing us down and gradually programming us to their agenda, without most of us even realizing it.
They have drawn us in through the pleasures, entertainment and comforts of the world. (CLICK TO READ MORE)
JUST BECAUSE SOME ARE NOT LIVING IN REALITY doesn't mean others must compromise REALITY AND TRUTH in order to appease them so their feelings won't be hurt. TOUGH LOVE is just that! It's tough at times, lest one enable another in a dysfunction. This is authentic love.
Jesus showed tough love when necessary, He never once enabled another in their dysfunction; that is why He, who is TRUTH, was Crucified!+ (CLICK HERE)
How easy it is for us to neglect Jesus, our Divine Lover and Bridegroom, and get distracted by everything else; even if this else is very good in itself.
What our Divine Bridegroom most wants from us is our heart: our “whole heart, mind, soul and strength.” But this not in a shallow or superficial way, but in a deep and profound way that encompasses our whole being, surrendering to Him all; inviting Him into all.
What does it mean to REST with our beloved? What does it mean to be as St. John the Beloved at the last Supper and rest our head on His Heart? CLICK TO READ MORE
Would you like us to light a candle and pray for your intentions?